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/ Issues Management and Political Monitoring

Yesterday, your company was still being celebrated, but today you are the target of the press? So that our clients are not caught unaware by critical developments, we monitor sensitive topics and the players involved and develop measures for the right way to deal with these.

Political monitoring is an important instrument for issues management. Together with our customers, we identify the key themes and players for them in this regard. In addition to continually observing the public and specialist press, we always keep our eye on the relevant players for a certain topic as well as their statements and activities. This can be individual politicians as well as associations, NGOs or foundations.

Thanks to our many years of experience in issues management, we understand the process of filtering out and arranging the most important aspects from a variety of information in order to then prepapre an educated recommendation for action. At the same time, thanks to our experience we also have a strong personal network of contacts at our disposal.

For critical topics we also help our customers to come up with messages that take into account both the public’s need for information and the customer’s communicative goals. We also prepare you for critical questions and develop meaningful answers together with you.

Issues Management with Hanne + Maack Kommunikation:

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